Welcome To Brixtonbury News

News updates with info on what is going on.

20/09/22 - Autumn has started and the plants are coming in at night now as temp' is down to 6-8degrees, not good.

26/03/21 - Made three batches of Level2, fifteen bottles

19/03/21 - Still trying to get a market stall at Brixton market, applied in October 2020!

05/03/21 - repotted plants with different soil types to see which works best

29/01/21 - Made three batches of Level6, fifteen bottles

15/01/21 - New stickers came for the front of bottles, look great!

23/01/21 - Made three batches of Level4, fifteen bottles

15/01/21 - Made three batches of Level2, fifteen bottles

09/01/21 - Planted some new scotch bonnet seeds

05/01/21 - Updated photo gallery

05/01/21 - Price increase to £4.00 a bottle

01/01/21 - Thank you to everyone who bought a bottle of Brixtonbury Bad Boy sauce. It means a lot that you believe in this product

31/12/20 - Just about sold out, plan to make new batch soon

20/12/20 - Somerset loves the sauce, Wilkins and Hecks are selling fast

20/11/20 - Made 30 bottles of sauce. 15 x level2, 5 x level4, 4 x level7 and 5 x level10

18/11/20 - Due to online enquires, I am in the process of sorting out mail-order with P&P costs

15/11/20 - Dropped off more bottles at Heck's and Wilkins cider farms. Selling real fast and very happy

14/11/20 - Taken lots of publicity shots for the sauce in Brixton and Somerset

10/10/20 - 30 bottles of sauce made!

02/10/20 - Labeled all the bottles. Updated photos. Ordered more bottles for next few batches

01/10/20 - Harvested some more from our plants, ready for another cooking session!

25/09/20 - Four batches of sauce made. Chilli plants are now in the house as too cold to be outside. Lets hope they green fruit turn red soon.

24/09/20 - New bottles arrive, ready for a new batch of sauce.

Customer Reviews

Gorgeous, Lovely, Amazing



About Us

Small business growing chillies in our back garden and turning them into delicious sauces.

Opening hours

When needed

Contact information

Send Email info@brixtonbury.com
